Clockwise Quests

Welcome to Clockwise

You awaken to the sounds of water running and feet shuffling. Slowly, you sit up and focus your eyes on your surroundings. A few boys wearing tattered clothes are filling their buckets and mopping up the corner of the large hall and the room suddenly rushes with a scent of swampy water.

It takes you a good minute to figure out where you are.
Clockwise. That's right!

You don't normally travel this far for a case, but this one offered too much to turn down.  You've always heard of these medieval villages across the river, but never actually been to one. You knew that these villages weren't modernized, but you didn't expect the beds to be like torture devices!

"You'd think someone in this place would have given me something better than a dry-rotted cot to sleep on", you think as you shift your weight to the edge of your uncomfortable sleeping arrangements.

You walk to the hall door and push it open.  It must be 8:00 in the morning - too early to be pursuing danger.

You pull the message you received before you came: the one explaining the unfortunate circumstances inhabiting Clockwise.

It reads...

Clockwise is a place where the townspeople are prosperous, the children laugh and play, and there isn't a care in the world. Well, that is how it used to be. Now, something is different - something is wrong. A mysterious mist rolls in every night and with it something dark and insidious. The villagers have reported seeing strange creatures lurking in the woods. The crops are dying, many of the animals have gone missing, and the children are afraid to play outside anymore. This town used to run like a well-oiled clock, but now something has thrown a hitch into its gears. 

Please come help rid our town of this presence. You will be rewarded with half of the town treasury if you succeed.

Maerwynn Q. Prose

Visit the map of Clockwise and the surrounding area - HERE!